Monday, October 6, 2008

Tiziano Vecellio oil paintings

Tiziano Vecellio oil paintings
Tiziano Vecellio , the greatest Italian Renaissance painter of the Venetian school. Titian was recognized early in his own lifetime as a supremely great painter, and his reputation has in the intervening centuries never suffered a decline. Tiziano Vecellio oil painting reproductions available with Paintingiant art as below: • Titian Portrait of Count Antonio Porcia• Titian Vecellio Madonna and Child with St Catherine• Titian Vecellio The Bravo oil painting• Titian Vecellio The Tribute Money oil painting• Titian Vecellio Venus at her Toilet oil painting• Tiziano Federigo Gonzaga, Duke• Tiziano Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap• Tiziano Vecelio Venus Blindfolding Cupid• Tiziano Vecellio Christ Crowned with Thorns• Tiziano Vecellio Danae and the Shower of Gold• Tiziano Vecellio King Philip II oil painting• Tiziano Vecellio Pope Paul III and his Cousins• Tiziano Vecellio Portrait of Doge Andrea Gritti• Tiziano Vecellio Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga• Tiziano Vecellio Portrait of Jacopo Strada• Tiziano Vecellio Portrait of Marcantonio Trevisani• Tiziano Vecellio Self-Portrait oil painting• Tiziano vecellio TFlora Oil painting• Tiziano Vecellio Venus with Organist and Cupid


spadamchrist said...

A Chinese abstract oil painting is one without a recognisable subject, one which doesn't relate to anything external or try to "look like" something.A further distinction tends to be made between Chinese abstract oil painting which is geometric, such as the work of Mondrian, and Chinese abstract oil painting that is more fluid such as the Chinese abstract oil painting of Kandinsky or Pollock.

Anonymous said...

Just curious why you specify Chinese paintings while not the others?
I am wondering whether do you know Picasso admit that most of his later works been painted randomly or without any meaning. But a lot of art related figures or Even most professional collectors spending large resoucrs of media as well as money on those no meaning " artworks"
It is Picasso admited this intended fooling of the people , Now take a look of Pollock or Kangkinsky, Can you guarantee they are not teasing us? I think those comment mostly been given by the coming persons while not themselves. Maybe when they are creating the works, they just ....


I am not trying to prove anything, while your intention to Chinese artists make me upset, why?

rania123456 said...

Thank for sharing good and useful information. This information is very valuable.
